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Everything happens for a reason in our lives and I’m happy that this wedding was one of it. It’s destiny. I couldn’t avoid it. It was beautiful.
Thanks Tina and Deniz for all the inspiration that you gave me through your charisma and long live to your baby!
I’m deeply addicted to photography and I actually love it.
Marko Marinkovic - Great stuff man, hat down, thumbs up and high fives for all of it, not just for this gallery!
DRAGAN - Marko, huge thanks for the comment! I share at least the very same opinion toward your work too! 😉
Aleks - Maestro!!!..I totally agree with Marko and vice versa…!
Iva Novak - Božansko. Pravi vsi, ki ste sodelovali pri tej poroki, si zaslužite pohvalo. Dragan, tako noro lepo, res. Čestitam za vse ujete trenutke in način, kako si zgodbo povedal.
Andraz Gregoric - Congrats! Zelo lepo. Za zadnjo fotko sem prepričan, da si bo prislužila kakšna nagrado. 😉
DRAGAN - @Iva – Poročna dekoracija, Jon za kamero in breathtaking couple.. kako bi se lahko sploh končalo drugače ??? 🙂 Hvala Iva!
@Andraz – se ti vidi, da si tipični WPJA-jevc, hehe!! Hvala ti! 😉
peter richtarech - great work!! thanks for sharing!!
DRAGAN - thanks Peter!!