Francesca and Steven, Proud Cabaret, Brighton Wedding Photographer

One of the gems I was »hiding« for so long is the Brighton wedding of Francesca and Steven. Plenty of photos from this wedding are my absolute all-time favourites; one of them was also awarded with a Fearless Award. The wedding was featured on the hottest UK wedding blog Love My Dress  and there are at least a million reasons why! Francesca is not just a music video and commercial producer and a supercool bride who arranged every single detail of her wedding, but also the owner and founder of The Fabulous Vintage Bride. Make sure to check out her insane collection of dolls and other vintage props!

The entire wedding was inspired by the 1960’s, with flamingos in the church and waitress dressed in vintage Playboy Bunny outfits and snakeskin boots at Brighton’s Proud Cabaret where the reception was held.

“I filled the church with bunches of colourful ‘Tim Walker’ style balloons. We had pretty pink flamingos greeting the guests as they entered the church.”

Steve is a film editor, while his brother Rob Ackroyd is the guitarist for Florence and the Machine! He was accompanied by Tom Monger, the harpist for Florence and the Machine too, as they played Like a Virgin and You’ve Got The Love in a church! I’m such a huge fan of them, so I was getting the chills all the time while shooting and listening to their performance!

Gorgeous food, a champagne tower and an evening at the Proud Cabaret turned into a great party with Rob and DJ Boogaloo Stu playing a set from the 90’s …

“Each table had a decanter of tequila, so we all did a shot together as the brides toast. I never expected to be doing tequila shots with Dad on my wedding day, a magical memory and he loved it!”

Actually, even now as I’m reading this post, I still can’t believe I was the one who got to photograph this wedding!

Thank you so much Fran and Steve!

Those who would like to read the full story on the ‘Fabulous Vintage Bride and her Kitsch and Colourful 1960’s Inspired Brighton Wedding’ of Francesca and Steven, can do so in the Love My Dress blog.

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